Refectocil Eye Tint Bleaching Paste

Blonde Brow was specifically developed to brighten eyebrows. This is a bleaching paste – NEVER use blonde brow on Eyelashes.

Helps to colour bristly & unmanageable eyebrows.

Used in preparation for further dyeing.

Also suitable for grey & white hair.

With Blonde Brow eyebrows can be lightened up to 3 shades. For naturally blonde styles!

  • Naturally blonde brows
  • Helps with tinting grey or bristly eyebrows
  • Enables tinting dark brows in light hues
  • Smudge- and waterproof
  • Lasts 6 weeks

Info: After a Blonde Brow application, the treatment time of a subsequent colouring service is reduced by approx. 1/3, as the cuticle layer, has already been opened and the colour can, therefore, penetrate the hair more quickly. The resulting colours are even more intense!


*Only the use of Refectocil Cream Oxidant guarantees the tinting results of Refectocil tints.

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